Rabu, 29 Juli 2009

Compliance Implementation Principles Infection Prevention Workers Nurses in the Hospital Abdoel Bandar Lampung flown in 2007

By: dr. M. Yusran
Created: 2009-05-06, with 1 file (s).
Keywords: HOSPITALS ABDOEL MULIK, infection, Universal Precaution, Nurses
Call Number: 362.11 Yus k c.1


Universal principles of prevention (Universal precautions / UP) is an effective instrument
to protect and reduce the number of infection events in hospitals (infection nosokomial)
on health, patients and the community. Compliance with the implementation of the UP
suboptimal become the main factor increasing the occurrence of infection at the service center nosokomial
health. This study aimed to explore the factors that contribute to the
UP suboptimal implementation of the nurse on staff in Bandar Lampung. Research cross
sectional held at Regional General Hospital Abdoel flown, Bandar Lampung. Of
220 kuisoner assigned to a nurse, returned with 191 kuisoner complete. Factor
demographic (gender, age, duration of work, and education), level of knowledge, safety
work environment in hospitals, nurses and attitudes towards patients with HIV infection is considered
determines the level of compliance. The results of the analysis using multiple logistic regression
indicates that the nurses considered a safe work environment six times more
abiding with the implementation of the UP (p <.001). Safety interventions on the home environment
pain can increase the level of nurses to implement the UP.


Universal Precaution (UP) guidelines are considered as an effective means of Protecting health care workers, patients and the public and reducing the rate of hospital infections Acquired.
Suboptimal compliance with UP guidelines is identified as the major factor that increased
nosocomial infection in health care facilities. This study was looking for the Contributing factors to suboptimal compliance with Universal Precaution guidelines among Nurses in Bandar
Lampung. A cross sectional study design was conducted at Abdoel flown province of hospital
Bandar Lampung. Of 220 questionnaires distributed to health care workers, 191 were completed.
Demographic factors (sex, age, working time, and education), knowledge, hospital safety climate
and attitude towards HIV patients were assessed as the determinants of compliance. Multiple
logistics Regression results showed that the Nurses who perceived a strong safety climate at their unit were sixt times more likely to be compliant than health care workers who did not perceive a strong safety climate (p <.001). An intervention on hospital safety climates may Enhance the probability of health care workers to comply with Universal Precaution guidelines.

detail; http://digilib.unila.ac.id/go.php?id=laptunilapp-gdl-res-2009-drmyusran-1607

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Rabu, 03 Juni 2009

Kepatuhan Penerapan Prinsip-Prinsip Pencegahan Infeksi Pada Tenaga Perawat Di Rumah Sakit Abdoel Muluk Bandar Lampung Tahun 2007

Oleh: dr. M. Yusran
Lembaga Penelitian
Dibuat: 2009-05-06 , dengan 1 file(s).
Keywords: RUMAH SAKIT ABDOEL MULIK, INFEKSI,Universal Precaution, Perawat
Call Number: 362.11 Yus k c.1


Prinsip pencegahan universal (Universal Precautions/UP) merupakan instrumen yang efektif
untuk melindungi dan mengurangi angka kejadian infeksi di rumah sakit (infeksi nosokomial)
pada tenaga kesehatan, pasien dan masyarakat. Kepatuhan terhadap penerapan UP yang
suboptimal menjadi faktor utama terjadinya peningkatan infeksi nosokomial di pusat pelayanan
kesehatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari faktor-faktor yang berperan terhadap
pelaksanaan UP yang suboptimal pada tenaga perawat di Bandar Lampung. Penelitian cross
sectional dilaksanakan di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Abdoel Muluk, Bandar Lampung. Dari
220 kuisoner yang disebar kepada perawat, 191 kuisoner dikembalikan dengan lengkap. Faktor
demografi (jenis kelamin, usia, lama bekerja, and pendidikan), tingkat pengetahuan, keselamatan
lingkungan kerja di rumah sakit, dan sikap perawat terhadap pasien dengan infeksi HIV dinilai
sebagai penentu tingkat kepatuhan. Hasil analisis menggunakan regresi logistik multipel
menunjukkan bahwa perawat yang menganggap lingkungan kerja yang aman enam kali lebih
patuh terhadap pelaksanaan UP (p<.001). Intervensi terhadap keselamatan lingkungan rumah
sakit dapat meningkatkan tingkat kepatuhan perawat untuk melaksanakan UP.



Universal Precaution (UP) guidelines are considered as an effective means of protecting health care workers, patients and the public and reducing the rate of hospital acquired infections.
Suboptimal compliance with UP guidelines is identified as the major factor that increased
nosocomial infection in health care facilities. This study was looking for the contributing factors to suboptimal compliance with Universal Precaution guidelines among nurses in Bandar
Lampung. A cross sectional study design was conducted at Abdoel Muluk province hospital of
Bandar Lampung. Of 220 questionnaires distributed to health care workers, 191 were completed.
Demographic factors (sex, age, working time, and education), knowledge, hospital safety climate
and attitude towards HIV patients were assessed as the determinants of the compliance. Multiple
logistics regression results showed that the nurses who perceived a strong safety climate at their unit were sixt times more likely to be compliant than health care workers who did not perceive a strong safety climate (p<.001). An intervention on hospital safety climates may enhance the probability of health care workers to comply with Universal Precaution guidelines.

detail ; http://digilib.unila.ac.id/go.php?id=laptunilapp-gdl-res-2009-drmyusran-1607

Hubungi kami:

DL Name: Lampung University Library


Organization: Lampung University

Contact: Perpustakaan Universitas Lampung

Address: Jl.Prof. Dr. Soemantri Brojonegoro No. 1

City: Bandar Lampung

Region: Lampung

Country: Indonesia

Phone: 62-721-706352

Fax: 62-721-706351

Admin Email: dedi[at]unila.ac.id

CKO Email: library[at]unila.ac.id